Sunday, June 19, 2016

Forms and Spreadsheets

     Creating the form was pretty easy thanks to the handout from class on the 13th. The only difficult part about the Forms is that I with that every new response to the Form would automatically use a new row and fill out the information. However, even though that feature does not seem to be available, the Form was fairly easy to create and will be easy to adapt to future lessons to the extremely straightforward layout and tools.
Below is the link to "my" Form and the Gradebook/Spreadsheet.

         Form Link
         Autograding Spreadsheet Link
        Gradebook Spreadsheet Link

     The Gradebook is from the Spreadsheet that was submitted on the 16th. Therefore I did not recreate a new one and instead just used what I had already created. It was only after I had created the Spreadsheet that I had discovered that different sheets on Google Docs can interact with each other's formulas. What I mean is that a cell with formula can moved from that particular sheet into a new sheet while still interacting with the old sheet instead of the new sheet. Thus different sheets can interact. Therefore, gradebooks for whole classes can be easier because one sheet could be responsible for different types of assignments. One sheet could be quizzes and another be attendance and then the final sheet in the workbook can be the sheet where all the grades are converted into a final score. The interaction between Forms and Sheets is extremely helpful.
     The import range trick was a little difficult to grasp but I got it and it works great. I highlighted the area of my Gradebook where I used the import range formula for the Autograding Spreadsheet that is linked to the form.
CONFESSION: I feel so techy now.


  1. Your numbering is off on the self-grading quiz, so your real 9 and 10 are not there.

    Looks like you did get the importrange formula to work!

    Good going!

  2. Don't see the review of the Graham book on these functions, though...

  3. I went ahead and published it that way I wouldn't forget like I did with the drawings one. I was going to go back and add a comment when I had read the material :P
