Thursday, June 23, 2016

Creating a Site

My American History Site

     Creating the website was quite interesting. It is not as straightforward as the other apps. I had to use the tutorials to figure out the basics. However, after I got a handle on what I was doing and things started to feel more familiar, I was able to find what I needed.
     The only difficulty I had in the pages was moving images around. I decided to create a "history" course so I could put a timeline in and play with the images. It is easy to line the images up, but I could not find a drag and drop feature where I could move the images to any part of the page that I wanted and the text just simply wordwrap. Instead the images all acted like very large text. The only other qualm I had was that there were only three settings for the image sizes and not a bar or percentage drop box to adjust the size to what I wanted. Thankfully the images all shrank to an even size when I selected "small" in the size part of the tool bar for the images. Creating the time line was simple after that, it was just like creating one in Word.
     Another difficulty I had was with the way that I needed to lay out the site. I made a mistake and created the assignments page as being under the "American Presidents" page. The only I found to fix this was to delete the page completely and create a new page. I could not find in the tutorials or on my own a button like Sakai's reorder button where I could just move the page out from under "American Presidents."
     A fun part about playing with the site was that Google Forms links work. So I found that I could integrate Google Sites, Forms, and Sheets in order to give kids content, assessments, and grades. All I would have to do after creating the site would be to link the Forms in the site and then wait for the kids to take the quizzes or tests. The only drawback is that I could not find any way to keep kids from working to far ahead or skipping assignments. They would have access to all of the Forms if I linked them. Well, I just thought about it, I could just link the pages as the course goes on.
     The revision history was very straightforward but kind of scary. I only had two versions because I worked on the site in two long sessions. I was afraid I might click something wrong and revert my site back to the first version so I didn't play with it other than looking at the layout and watching the tutorial. I feel that it is a very good feature for if you make a major mistake and want to fix it or if you want to reformat something. I really want to use this for one of my future classes, it was difficult to come up with something for a whole class because I have not taught a classroom yet; but I did create a layout that I think I will use if I use Google Sites for one of my classes.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Forms and Spreadsheets

     Creating the form was pretty easy thanks to the handout from class on the 13th. The only difficult part about the Forms is that I with that every new response to the Form would automatically use a new row and fill out the information. However, even though that feature does not seem to be available, the Form was fairly easy to create and will be easy to adapt to future lessons to the extremely straightforward layout and tools.
Below is the link to "my" Form and the Gradebook/Spreadsheet.

         Form Link
         Autograding Spreadsheet Link
        Gradebook Spreadsheet Link

     The Gradebook is from the Spreadsheet that was submitted on the 16th. Therefore I did not recreate a new one and instead just used what I had already created. It was only after I had created the Spreadsheet that I had discovered that different sheets on Google Docs can interact with each other's formulas. What I mean is that a cell with formula can moved from that particular sheet into a new sheet while still interacting with the old sheet instead of the new sheet. Thus different sheets can interact. Therefore, gradebooks for whole classes can be easier because one sheet could be responsible for different types of assignments. One sheet could be quizzes and another be attendance and then the final sheet in the workbook can be the sheet where all the grades are converted into a final score. The interaction between Forms and Sheets is extremely helpful.
     The import range trick was a little difficult to grasp but I got it and it works great. I highlighted the area of my Gradebook where I used the import range formula for the Autograding Spreadsheet that is linked to the form.
CONFESSION: I feel so techy now.


I downloaded and used the untargeted augmented reality apps for puppies and butterflies. The butterflies was more real because the butterflies fly and they don't land anywhere thus they are more versatile and lifelike. The bunnies on the other hand were not so successful because the app requires a flat surface. If the flat surface has many objects on it, the app does not recognize the objects and the bunnies run over the objects when in reality they would jump around them. Thus the bunnies app only really works with a very large flat surface without anything on it. Otherwise the butterfly and the bunnies app work well. The animals are obviously computer animated but the are real enough to be fun.
The untargeted apps were a little more fun because of how interactive they were. I used the world map and the bunny images from Quiver with my brother and wife. We also tried using the Toyota racing app. The apps worked much better than the untargeted ones because the augmented reality worked within preprogrammed parameters and didn't have to adjust to the environment a great deal. The AR stayed on the page and even if the iPad was held still and the page was moved the AR would move with the page. The fact that what my wife and brother colored was rendered into a 3D image that interacted slightly with the real world was very engaging.
I believe these apps have quite a few uses in the classroom. For 1st to 3rd graders, these kinds of apps would be helpful in helping students understand how programs, math, and science relate to their lives because they can manifest themselves through an image in a world that is almost in ours. The more educational apps like anatomy 4D and ARs that deal with space and astronaut equipment can be used to give older kids an almost tangible experience with objects they will most likely never see with their own eyes such as space rovers and human internal organs. These apps could be used as support for class lessons on the topics to aid with differentiation in the class.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Google Sheets, creating a gradesheet

     I liked Google Sheets. I have used Excel before and it is quite useful; however, the formulas can be tricky because they abbreviate everything. In Google Sheets, all of the formula's are spelled out so I knew exactly which one I wanted to use. The only other difference between Excel and Google Sheets that I found while formatting the gradesheet was the way that one can create percentages. In Excel, you can move the decimal place anyhow you want. In Google Sheets, I was not allowed to make a whole number a percentage. Therefore, when I put "95" in a cell and clicked the "%" sign, the percentage became "9500.00%" and I could not decrease the percentage using the decimal moving buttons. I discovered this after I had put all of the information in so I had to go back and change the grades from whole numbers to decimal numbers. The problem was fixed after that. Formatting the Final Grade was easy as well because the cell formulas work much like a scientific calculator and you can just separate out numbers and equations within a cell formula using parenthesis.
     Here is a LINK to the gradesheet if you would like to look at it. I didn't create a "Midterm" section because the section with "Final Grade" would be the midterm grade at midterms. Thus, at midterms the grades would be recorded elsewhere and then the grades would continue to change as the year went on.
     I understand how Google Sheets can be used to meet the Mathematical Practice 3 Standard: "Construct viable arguments..."  However, I am struggling to understand how it could be used for the second part: "Critique the reasoning of others." Well, now that I think about it, you could take someone's spoken argument, give the points of the argument mathematical representations on the spreadsheet and then plug those into a formula of some kind. If that were the case, then I see how Google Sheets could be used to enhance critical thinking in students because it gives them a tool for dissecting arguments and thinking through them to see if they are logical or not. Also, I guess another way that it helps with the mathematical standard is that it can be used as a tool to demonstrate one's thinking and not simply as a help for thinking. Students can create graphs and charts to display their reasoning and arguments to other students.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


     Toontastic is a great little tool for 6 to 8 year olds that teaches them the parts of story as well as allows for the teacher to teach different aspects of literature. To begin with, the app gives the user an initial walk through on what story is what the different parts are. Then the app walks the user through what sets, characters, and moods/background are.
     After completing the initial introduction to the app, the user is able to do whatever they would like. The app would be useful for teaching more than simply the parts of an overall story. I think it could be used to teach kids figures of speech by having them construct a context where a figure of speech would be used. The app could even be used to teach the kids creative writing. The kids could of go home, write a story, then come back to class and create the story. If everyone in the class has access to app then they whole assignment could be homework. There is lots that you could do with this app to help bring literature and the art of story to life.
     The only negative is that it can be difficult to use the characters while making a video. I had difficulty isolating body parts on characters to make that part move alone and not the others. However, kids have smaller fingers so it might be easier and kids are far more adaptable than we are.
     I feel this is a great app. It is free so kids would all be able to use and there is feedback so that the teacher can see the work of each individual student.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

History Maps of the World

     The usefulness of this app is pretty straightforward. The app gives the teacher and students access to a huge library of maps. The maps range from recent to ancient maps of the world. The app can be used as a tool for lecture or activities as it does not have built in activities.
     For example, one could use a map to follow the battle strategies of ancient generals or the expansion of trade. The free version comes with a large number of maps however they are limited in that a number of them are from specific times. One has to pay in order to get more expansive and times and locations for the maps. The detail on the maps make it feel to me as though it would belong in classes above 3rd grade. However, with the way information and skills standards are getting pushed down this judgment could change to preschool in the near future, but I digress.
     One could give the students homework with the maps such as identifying the locations of ancient cities or political lines or commenting on the position of countries in relation to the events taking place at the time for which the map was made.
     The menu is well laid out. The maps are straightforward and there are tools such as zoom so that the students can observe more closely certain aspects of the maps. There is even a setting where one can group the maps based on time or location. Therefore, teachers could work with students through time or with specific locations with ease because the developers built in the two different types of menus.
     The app is useful as a tool for learning geography as well as serving as a tool to provide a little more context for social studies.

NASA app

     The NASA app was absolutely huge. There were over 15,000 images; over 300,000 recorded tweets; over 101 space mission records; links to old and new news on the goings on of NASA; links on a map to the actual NASA centers and websites; and nearly 13,000 videos. This app is huge; however, it saves space by not storing any of the information on your device. Instead, the app merely serves as a link to all of this information. The apps main function appears to be helping individuals understand what is going on at NASA and why their work is important and what impact their work has on modern life.
     This app wouldn't be very useful, in my opinion, for kids in the lower grades (like k-3) because of the way in which the information is presented. The information is not presented a very fun way and the information could also be considered boring though NASA does dumb the language down so that regular people can understand what is going on. However, the possibilities for the upper grades (4 and onwards) are vast, this could even be used for college in my opinion. One could have kids search for a topic in the app to write a paper on. The students could observe the behavior of heavenly bodies. Students could investigate information about space objects that have a controversial significance (like some super novas being used to gauge the expansion of the universe) and then write what they think and why. The NASA app is a huge resource for writing in my opinion.
     Because of the records of the space missions, the app could be used for social studies as well. One could trace the development of technology, the Cold War, the race for space that still continues (sort of), and other historical and social aspects of the space program.
     Overall, the amount of information is huge and the menu's are well laid out and easy to follow.

Math Drills

     The Math Drill app is very useful for guiding a students learning in math. One can choose to have the students complete an addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, or mixed set of equations. Even within those four broad categories the teacher can choose between subcategories. The student must answer questions in order to move on in the activity until he or she has completed the set number of equations their iPad is set to give them.  Like the Math Tapper app, this app requires that the teacher set the difficulty individually for each student thus allowing for differentiation. However, also like Math Tapper, there is no feedback for the teacher. However, in the bottom left hand corner is a bar that provides feedback for the student for how many equations they answered correctly and how many they missed. In the bottom left hand side there is also a line with a range of numbers. The student will be able to learn different strategies for solving problems because they could use the ruler to count out numbers in order to solve the equation. The app also gives students step by step hints such as "first count out three and the count out two more."
     This app is useful for all grades k-5 in my opinion and can be used as a practice app in the class. After teaching the students about any of the four main types of equations in math, the app give students a challenge as well as the tools for finding the answers on their own.

Math Tapper

     I downloaded and investigated Math Tapper. The layout is simple. When you get onto the main page it has two simple selection "Letter Find" and "Multiply and Find."
     "Letter Find" can be used for the low grades who are learning the difference between capitals and lower case letters. The bottom half of the screen is waffle like. Among the squares is the matching letter for the single letter at the top. As students find the matches for the letters that appear at the top of the screen, more letters fill the waffle. Eventually all of the waffle is filled. There is no feedback and there are no sounds. The students are simply finding matches until they fill the waffle.

     "Multiply and Find" is quite a bit harder than "Letter Find." There will be a simple multiplication equation at the top and the student must find the answer among the waffle squares. As the student answers, the waffle squares fill up until there are no more free squares.

     This app would be useful for kindergartners and possibly 1st graders who are struggling with recognizing the difference between capitals and lower case letters. The multiplication feature is good for all grades who have been working with multiplication. There is a difficulty setting 0-100 so the teacher can set the difficulty for just about any grade. Also, the teacher must set the difficulty individually for each iPad thus the teacher can tailor the difficulty to each individual student thus helping with differentiation.There is no automatic system for feedback. Students simply can show the teacher that screen either by coming up to the teacher or sending a screen shot showing that they have completed the level.
     The app is free and thus for what you get I believe it is a good app for reinforcing some basic ideas the students should have learned. However, this tool would definitely not be useful for directing a study. Also, due to the lack of any feedback beyond the fact that the student completed the assignment the test does not really serve as a formative assessment.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Google Drawings

I played around a bit with the tangram lesson by downloading the image from the link within the lesson plan and arranging the shapes some.
The software is almost the same as Educreations or some other white board. The two biggest difference is some added features and the fact that Educreations and other whiteboards usually have video record feature. The way I understand Graham when he discusses how Google Drawings play into CCSS Anchor Standard 1 is that it allows the kids to demonstrate their thinking and practice critical thinking and showing their thought process. This will then allow them to better write because they will be able to organize their thoughts much like an outline.
While playing with Google Drawings, I feel that for myself it would be difficult to integrate Google Drawings for such reasons. The controls are too complex and I feel students might spend more time trying to figure out how to work the software before they would actually be able to use it effectively. However, I do understand that some kids needs something more than a simple sentence outline. On the other hand, I feel that teaching Google Drawings might take more time than necessary to implement effectively.
The controls are very straightforward except for the fact that you have to use the "backspace" to delete objects instead of the "delete" button. There are tons of colors, shapes, and sizes to make the possibilities nearly endless. However, it is the sheer volume of these options that I feel would make it difficult for students to use to organize their thoughts through the creation of images and so forth.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Presentation Software

I use Microsoft PowerPoint alot when I have to do a presentation of some kind or preach or whatever. When I was comparing Google Slides/Presentations against Microsoft PowerPoint I found that both were just about the same. The only difference I could notice was that Google had less options in the fonts, transitions, and animations. Microsoft offers in slide animations but I could not find them in Google's presentation software. Additionally Microsoft offers far more fonts and transition options compared to Google.
One major difference is obviously the collaborative aspect of Google Presentations. I would see why schools might prefer Google Presentations over PowerPoint despite the more versatile PowerPoint. I read the Google Apps book ;) and found that Google Presentations meets the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts. Students are able to work collaboratively and can work on presenting all kinds of information within a certain context for a certain task. Students are not able to collaborate effectively using only PowerPoint.
PowerPoint would obviously be more useful for a teacher; however, if the teacher were to give students a group presentation assignment, then it would be far more feaseable to use the free Google Presentation software which would allow students to work together on the same document.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

GAIN: Google Docs vs Microsoft Word

     Google Docs is almost exactly the same thing as Microsoft Word with just a few minor difference. Before I get into the differences I want to talk about the similarities.
     The first similarity which is awesome is that Google Docs and Microsoft Word both use the same keyboard shortcuts to change the size of fonts. The next best similarity is that the ruler at the top of the page is virtually the same as Microsoft Word and allows you to create a permanent indention style for each paragraph you make without having to reset setting after pressing return.
     The biggest and most difficult difference is customization. Microsoft Word and Google Docs offer all of the same features such as page numbers, headers, etc.  However, on Google Docs you cannot customize the features, you can only work with the preset features. This makes it difficult especially when you are having to write a paper in APA format because you need to customize the header settings so that it will display a different header for the first plus a page number while the rest of the pages need a different header from the first page and a page number.
    The second and final difference that I notice is that Microsoft allows you to change settings through the use of an overhead list of tabs and buttons which lead to windows where you can change settings. Google Docs does nearly the same thing only with less settings. Google Docs also uses dropboxes instead of windows. This makes it difficult for me personally; however, this is a matter of opinion and not an actual downside I think everyone else will have.
     I have already used Google Docs many many times before and have loved sharing feature. The way that people can go in and change documents is incredible. A really nice feature is that one can change things in real time while the other person watch. Thus, should the the two users need to be apart yet work on a document, they can simply talk on the phone while both working on the document and seeing the changes that are being made. Google Docs makes collaboration extremely easy and practical. This is important because it helps digital citizens who desire to work collaboratively on projects. Google Docs provides a practical tool for anyone to work together in real time from different locations.
    I couldn't find anyone who could real-time chat with me to test out that feature, but it is a helpful feature for when people have limited phone access and still need to work on the document. I actually used it to communicate with my partner for our TEAM presentation and show her my thoughts. The way to add people to the list so that they can change the document is very straightforward.

GAIN: Will Richardson on "Personal vs. Personalized" Education

     I watched a TEDx Talk by Will Richardson that he gave in New York a few years back (just as Common Core was being implemented). I loved just about everything he said from teachers needing to adapt to the way kids learn to the way that the government thinks of education. He provided light on the subject of the "personalized learning" being supported by Zuckerberg and Gates. According to Richardson, at first glance the "personlized learning" initiative seems great because it is an attempt to cater to individual students needs in education. However, the goal is basically to improve test standards; therefore, schools become simply "test prep."
     I have not had time to really process his thoughts but his point is challenging and something worth looking at and thinking about.
     On Richardson's daily blog on June 8th, I commented on his blog "This is Why Personalized Learning Will Fail." According to Richardson, personalized learning will fail because if it works it everyone will become "achiever's" and get A's. This will result in their being no actual standard and the system will fail. Either this or not everyone will achieve as a result of the initiative, thus the initiative will still be viewed as a failure.
     I like how Richardson draws a line between "personal learning" and "personalized learning. According to him, personal learning is where students (and anyone for that matter) take their own initiative to learn and use their resources to improve their learning. Personalized learning is where individuals outside the learner attempt mold the school system to suit the students rote memorizing skills so that they can pass tests using information that they will eventually forget later.
   Challenging thoughts. Confession: I felt like a bit of an idiot when commenting on this blog because everyone else was using super awesome words and sentence structures that demonstrated critical thinking skills I have yet to attain.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

TECH: Grammar Express, Merriam-Webster Dictionary HD, Educreations, and Puppet Pals

Grammar Express
     The first thing I noticed about the Grammar Express app was that it was a paid app. Second observation was that it dealt with all parts of speech.This made the app a lot less enticing especially due to the boring presentation of the material. There are no sounds except a subtle noise when you answer one question on the app. The background is bland white. Not that everything needs to be exciting, but it immediately communicates boring.
     However, there was a ton on the app that would be extremely useful both for students and for teachers. The first thing that is helpful is that when you are done taking a test it displays what you got wrong and what you got right and it gives the correct answer. This would be helpful for students because it would help them know what they need to work on and immediately show them their results instead of waiting for the teacher to have to grade everything.
    A big help for teachers is that the app is quite extensive, specific, and mold eagle according to what the teacher needs. I could not explore deeply but the unpaid version was enough to provide the teacher with a summative or formative assessment.
Because this is a paid app and quite boring presentation, I am not going to use this app at present. Confession: I am a novice teacher (haven't even taught class yet) so I might change my mind later.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary App
     The Merriam-Webster Dictionary App is overall a great app. It is very straightforward and simple. One simply types the word that they want to look up and the definition appears immediately along with possible other options. The app is simple and easy to use and some words in the searched word's definitions and suggested other words in the app come with links to their own little "pages." This feature makes the app very versatile. I will be leaving this app on the iPad. Confession: I just got our iPad and it only has 16GB storage and I don't know what is actually useful as far as classroom apps go so I might have to get rid of it later.
     Overall, I like this app alot.

     The Confession comes first instead of last on this one: there were so many options that I just picked this cause it was first not because I thought the name or something was attractive.
     Even so, the Educreations App is extremely versatile. There is a paid version that has just a few extra little things that super techy people might find awesome.  But this novice loves the free stuff.  
     Basically you can create a lesson on a virtual "white board" as a video which you can edit and then share with anyone.I love everything about this app except one thing, you can only trim (delete unwanted content) off of the end of a video. So that's rough if you make a mistake in the middle and want to delete it, you have to redo everything from that point onward should you decide to delete it.
     Everything else is awesome, you can change colors, add pictures, add text, even take a photo and add it immediately. You can even pause the video as you are working on the video and then add pictures as if it took only a couple seconds.
     The only cautions would be that you need a stylus for the app to make the writing and drawing you would do smooth because if you have fat fingers like mine they just make squiggly lines. Secondly, you need to plan your lesson before making the video because you cannot cut part out at the beginning and the middle, only off the end.

Puppet Pals
    Confession: I like people with boring monotonous voices because they are the most creative in my opinion. For instance, the creator and director of Spongebob is so boring (just look up an interview, it's hilarious how boring he is, yet he created Spongebob). The PuppetPals presenter likewise was boring, but obviously he's creative to have a part in creating this app.
     There was not a whole lot to tell apart from what the tutorial presented because the good version is the paid version. However, the app would be extremely useful for teaching children just about any subject through story. The zoom out feature was nice because you could have a handle on your characters while creating the story. I did not find any edit buttons so it seemed like what you made is what you get. So you better practice before you use it. The create your own actor feature in the paid version looks really awesome because you could implement real objects (like something from the classroom or someone in the class) in order to make the lesson far more relevant.
    All in all I think the app could be used for all ages. It could be used to present information to children (or have them present something, or for even highschoolers it could be used to create a story. Instead of having the kids only write, they could put together a play. If they don't want their peers to see it, they can just send it to the teacher and leave it at that.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

TECH: Rover vs. Safari

So I just discovered Rover was a thing. I downloaded Rover as a result of my Tech Ed teacher requiring that I compare Rover and Safari. I am seriously liking what I see.

The first difference I notice between Rover and Safari is the child safe (safe search) feature. Safari is just a general browser that can be used for any type of search one desires. Rover on the other hand is meant to protect kids searching. Additionally, Rover prevents any gaming on the browser. The reason Rover prevents gaming is not because games are vile and must be kept from children. Instead, it merely prevents gaming because gaming sites are inappropriate for the classroom setting.

Because Rover is by its nature restricted, it can be difficult to get to sites if they do not meet all the criteria for Rover and thus get blocked. Thus if one wants to show students a video from a certain site, it might be blocked by Rover.

I feel that Rover would be a useful tool if the teacher is willing to sit and sort through what will and won't work. This app would also be extremely useful in 4th - 12th grade highschools where kids would like to be looking inappropriate things in class instead of focusing on the lesson.

All in all I think the usefulness of this app is determined by the willingness of the teacher to work with it. The app is not really designed to work for anyone but feels like something to be worked with.

Confession: I had a difficult time just navigating away from the homepage on Rover.

TECH: Confessions on

My first thoughts when I got to the website were, "Why on earth?" because in the URL the website is <> instead of starting with the typical "www."

I did not have to create an account because apparently at some time in the past I created one though I have absolutely no recollection of ever interacting with ever.

The Uploa.........d
However, I did attempt to practice with the device some. My wife and I just recently got an iPad so I decided to try to move a huge folder (277 files worth 177MB and I'm not even sure "worth" is the right word to use there) over to the iPad. The first thing I noticed was that the upload was extremely slow. It took nearly 10 minutes for the file to upload. I can stream larger YouTube videos far quicker than that so I do not know why it took so long.

The download was almost as excruciatingly slow. The download was really choppy, stopping and starting again after 10 or so seconds which would add time. However, the file did arrive in my iPad. One feature that is quite interesting is that you can either simply "view" the information or make it available "offline." Either way the iPad has to download the info which could (and in my case did) take time. Confession: I am not sure whether or not the slowness could be because of my internet; therefore, it might be quicker for techy pro's who buy expensive stuff to get better performance out of their equipment.

When I pulled up the folder on my iPad, I selected "view" because I assumed that it would simply create links to the information in the folder and then allow me to download them when I desired. It appears to have done that because though the file is 177MB, the storage space used on our iPad was only 81.1MB by Box. Therefore I am assuming that that storage which is taken up by Box on the iPad is merely the size of the app itself.

Overall, the Box app is extremely helpful for moving files around. The folder moved from my PC and displayed on iPad perfectly without any issue. The app also gives you 10GB free storage space. Therefore, if you need a bunch of storage space, between the free space that apps like iCloud, Dropbox, and Box give, one can get a pretty hefty storage space free and move objects across different platforms.

TECH: iThought My Mind Blew

The possibilities for the use of iThought in classrooms by teachers are incredible.

For one, you could use the app to show kids your thought processes when teaching them new ways of thinking. Additionally, you could have students show you the way that they thought through something. For instance, you could present a controversial topic in class and have the student map out their thinking on iThought and send in the file to you or snapshot it on the screen and send that to you. Confession #1: I do not know how to use iThought because I just discovered it 15 minutes ago.

The second application would be to keep track of students progress. When working through a project that has multiple steps, you could help the kids set up iThought pages that track the progress of a project through steps. Each time a step is completed, the student could put a check on the box next to the step completed and see the results and maintain the motivation to keep going. Confession #2: I just found out that iThought has been out awhile and that my idea might be really old.

Thirdly, the iThought app would be good for the teacher's own personal use. Keeping track of student achievement and planning for lessons would be extremely useful tools and give the teacher more time for other things that require more attention. Never send a man to do a machine's job.

Even though the app is $11.99 and a bit plus tax, it seems like it would be a worthwhile buy.

Monday, June 6, 2016

TECH: iWorks Pages vs. Microsoft Word

The Pages app in iWorks is similar to Microsoft Word in at least three ways.
1. In both one can create and edit text within a document and add colors, underlines, bold, and several other text edits.
2. One can form folders and save different documents within one folder.
3. One can add pre-ready charts and images to the text of the document.

There is one major difference and that would be the formatting. iWorks Pages is laid out like an app and one drags and drop documents into folders. Microsoft Word enables the user to work with folders by merely clicking or tapping on the folder and the clicking save. The interface is much less visually appealing in Microsoft Word.

The iPad makes the use of iWorks very fluid and easy. Microsoft Word on the others hand is rigid and  is not very straightforward when using the iPad

First blog...YOLO

Well this is the first time I have ever published anything on the Internet. Therefore I feel I must say something to the world which is all inclusive yet unique for each of us, "Hi, Mom."